- Word Choice Diagnostic Test (Student) - See Part 1
- Word Choice Diagnostic Test (Answer Key)
- How to Create Word Choice Diagnostic Quiz (Test Spec)
Step 3: APPLICATION 1 - Guided Self-Correction Homework
1. Teacher Guide (Could be given right after or before Step 2):
- Student's Writing (Highlighted in a Draft):"...Other people think that grade inflation is natural because opportunity for students such as job is depended mainly by grade."
- Problem: You have a word (preposition) choice problem here
- Search Strategy: Type in “job opportunity depended mainly *” in Google or COCA and check which preposition is the most common in the results.
3. Teacher Feedback: "Yes, you also might have discovered from this page that job opportunity is typically used as a plural form."
Application Homework Instruction Sample (See Part 4, Step 1)
Step 4: APPLICATION 2 - Independent Self-correction Homework
1. Student's Homework
- Student's Writing (Highlighted in a Draft): "....For example, when I applying a job, as an entry level, I am nobody, the recruiters always filter by GPA."
- Problem: A preposition is missing here.
- Revision: applying a job -> applying for a job
- Search Process: I searched “apply” and “job” as collocates on COCA since I was not sure if I need preposition after apply. After viewing the result below, I decided to put “for” after “apply”.
2. Teacher Feedback: Great job. You also have the same error in the following sentence: "GPA is as important as well for applying school." You can use the same preposition here (i.e. applying for school).