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Verb Tense, Aspect and Mood
- Verb overview (Quick Help) - The following exercises are embedded in this page:
- Verb tense and mood 1 & 2
- Irregular verbs 1 & 2
- Standard English verb forms 1 & 2
- Verb forms and tenses
- Verb forms with modals
- Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives
- Gerunds and infinitives: advanced tutorial
- Present vs. past participles (-ing vs. -ed)
- Survey of tenses (active voice)
- Survey of tenses (passive voice)
- Article overview (Quick Help)
Sentence Structure
- Sentence structure overview (Quick Help)
- Mixed Construction
- Mixed Construction Video (Introduction to basic English sentence structures and common sentence structure errors)
- Mixed Construction Worksheet (Introduction to basic English sentence structures and common sentence structure errors)
Sentence Boundary (Run-ons)
Sentence Boundary (Fragments)
Writer's Help (Fragments Explanations & Exercises)
Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
Subject-verb agreement overview (Quick Help)
Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
- Prepositions and idiomatic expressions
- Using nouns after prepositions
- Prepositions showing time and place
- Common adjective + preposition combinations
- Common verb + preposition combinations
- Preposition Combinations Exercises
Subject-verb agreement overview (Quick Help)
Noun endings
Word choice / Spelling / Informal Language
Resources for Teachers:
- Word Choice Lesson Part 1 (50 min for Undergrad level)
- Word Choice Lesson Part 2 (50 min for Undergrad level)
- Word Choice Lesson (50 min for Undergrad - Condensed version without student homework/discussion)
- Word Choice Lesson (80 min for Graduate level)
- Word Choice Problem Solving Guide (Useful handout for students)